10Hofheinz, Thomas C. Joyce and the Invention of Irish History: Finnegans Wake in Context. Cambridge UP, 1995. 75-78.
The author links Ferguson's work to Joyce's in Finnegans Wake: "Finnegans Wake's cultural kinship to literary works like The Cromlech on Howth is evident on many levels. Like Ferguson's poem, Finnegans Wake performs topologically, forcing readers to encounter it as an
autonomous object that demands them to meet it on its own terms. Like the poem, Finnegans Wake's superabundance of graphical imagery precludes clearly charted narrative by simulating problems of historical understanding through rapid alternation of the familiar and the unrecognizable, guiding readers with submerged indexical structures. Most of all, Finnegans Wake, like The Cromlech on Howth, constellates historical reflection around an interment in the Howth promontory. The legendary Irish figure buried alive in Finnegans Wake is Finn rather than Aideen, but the cryptic location of Fenian imagery determines the Wake's narrative in a way linking it thematically to Ferguson's poem."
Russell K. Alspach writes that Ferguson was the "Irish poet who, before Yeats, most made use of Ireland's legends in his poetry." According to Alspach, a line in Yeat's "The Wanderings of Oisin" can directly be traced to "Aideen's Grave" ["We thought on Oscar's penciled urn ."] Alspach, Russell K. "Some Sources of Yeats's "The Wanderings of Oisin"" PMLA 58.3 (1943): 859.)