12Gregory, Augusta, and W. B. Yeats. Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland. Vol.1. New York and London: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1920, 41.
Patrick Kennedy relates the story of a Brian Neil, who "was employed one afternoon by Mrs. Rooney. After finishing his work for the day, he related to her his dream of the past three nights, in which he saw in the rath of Knockmor a big grey stone, and an old thorn tree, and a hole in the middle of them containing a crock at its bottom. He told her he would set out to see if there was really anything to be found there. Leaving Mrs. Rooney with a spade and a shovel, he returned three hours later 'in a very dismantled condition, his hair in moist flakes, his eyes glassy, and his whole appearance betokening one who would drop in pieces if some strong power were not keeping him together.' He gave an account of his ordeal to Mrs. Rooney, telling of finding the crock, but panicking before opening it. She gave him a drink, and he fell asleep from exhaustion.
In the morning, he decided to return to the rath, only to find the crock missing. He confronted Mrs. Rooney, who was the only one who knew of his quest.
'Crock!' said she, 'what are you talking about? Oh, my poor man, you are raving!'
There was great commotion in the neighbourhood...All that the sharpest neighbour could make out was the absence of the farmer and his wife from their house for about an hour on the evening in question. It all resulted in poor Brian losing his reason, and coming to vituperate Mrs. Rooney about once a week at her own door. She always gave him something to eat or wear. By degrees the farm was improved, and more land taken. Her children were well provided for, and so are such of her grandchildren as are now living. Ill-got money does not in general produce such comfortable results." (Kennedy, Patrick. Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts. London: Macmillan and Co., 1866. 169-71.)